In the event that you are not satisfied with your purchase, we can refund or exchange any order. Please email me at within 14 days of receiving your order, with your order number and a note about your request to cancel.
Items will be refunded provided they include original packaging where possible.
Unfortunately, shipping costs and/or import duties are non-refundable and I am not held responsible for return / exchange items that do not reach me. For exchange items, the customer is responsible for the return shipping costs as well as the shipping costs to get the new item sent to you. Return postage is the responsibility of the customer unless the item is incorrect / faulty.
Damaged / Faulty Goods
In the unlikely event that an item arrives damaged due to shipping or is faulty, please contact me on with details including the post office claim number so that I can get this sorted. You may have to photograph the item in order to make the claim.
Please note that custom orders cannot be returned or exchanged unless faulty.